

Former Tax Counsel for the California Franchise Tax Board and global firm PwC

Our Story

Diaspora Legal emerged from a simple yet profound belief: U.S. Treasury laws shouldn't stifle the human desire to explore and relocate globally. Parviz, the driving force behind our mission, brings a wealth of personal experience from having called many places home – from the bustling streets of New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to the captivating landscapes of Argentina, Panama, and Canada.

Having experienced the trials and triumphs of international living, Parviz intimately understands the challenges global citizens encounter. From navigating state and international tax residency disputes to grappling with Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR) dilemmas, he has walked in your shoes. After nearly a decade representing governments in such legal matters, Parviz established Diaspora Legal with a singular purpose – to empower U.S. emigrants, immigrants, and overseas investors in safeguarding their financial assets from the ever-watchful eyes of U.S. and global taxing authorities.

At Diaspora Legal, we stand as vigilant guardians against the threat of IRS, FinCEN, and OFAC penalties. Consider this sobering truth: the civil penalty for the reckless failure to report a foreign financial account can reach staggering heights, starting at $161,166 for the 2024 tax year. Yet, within these challenges lies the opportunity for proactive action and strategic guidance. From resolving tax disputes born of cross-border travel, relocations, and investments to guiding international clients through the intricate web of U.S. trade and economic sanctions laws, we are unwavering allies in your pursuit of financial security. If you find yourself entangled in the bureaucratic web of IRS investigations or state taxing authorities, rest assured – Diaspora Legal is here to provide the support and advocacy you need. Don't hesitate to reach out – we are here to guide you through the maze of regulations and help you emerge stronger on the other side.